Thursday, 15 January 2015


.. would be an easier solution in the month of January, but no, us humans are gluttons for punishment. Those festive two weeks off can wreak havoc with our minds, and I always find it difficult to get back up to full-speed after the break. But I'm trying my best... so here goes....


You might have noticed on the right-hand-side of the page that I have opened a NotOnTheHighStreet.Com shop. I am selling exclusive poster-print versions of some of my wildlife linocuts there. Have a nosey if you like.

My shop


24th January 2015 - Leeds Print Fair, Munro House, Leeds, LS9 8AG, 10am-6pm
It is my first time at this event, which is part of the Leeds Print Festival (now in its 4th year). Exciting stuff! Also there will be Elodie G, Hello Memo, Designers Republic, The Print Project and many more...

That's all for now..more stuff soon!!