Hello there
Nearly the end of the year, and the start of all the festive chaos. I just wanted to say thanks for helping me have such a great 2013! It has been truly nuts, highlights being;
Having my first solo print exhibition, appearing on that 'Portrait Artist of the Year' tv show, building a Star Wars Lego Death-Star with my son, getting 'Sheffield Print Fair' off the ground, being involved in the 'Revealing Craft' project, finding some great new events/fairs to take part in and meeting some lovely and talented crafters, The Folksy Summer School, going on a beach holiday for the first time in about 20 years, visiting friends I'd not seen in yonks, discovering late 70's Fleetwood Mac, buying and loving my new linocut tools.....and making lots of new prints..
I'm looking forward to taking a little break, but 2014 is already building up to be pretty exciting already...
Merry Christmas!