i created a new linocut today. i thought it might be of interest to show work-in-progress (if you pardon the rather rolf harris-ness of it all).
1. so after i've traced the image onto the lino with a pencil, i start digging away with the lino-tools, trying not to gouge my hands, as does happen...
2. still digging, nearly there!
3. inking up the plate (with a roller). gives me a bit more of an idea how the print will look. its a bit hard to imagine what you'll 'get' before this step (although you could ink up the plate before digging, note to self)
4. test print. i always do a test print with black ink, so i can focus on the image, not the colour. so, all i need to do now is make a few final adjustments, choose my print colour, print my edition, and stick it it the shop! i print normally with a small flatbed press, or occasionally with the help of a pudding spoon.
there we go...